Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Questions for Writing and Discussion pg. 567

The UFCW site believes it is a voice for working America. The United Food and Commercial International Union is North America’s Neighborhood Union. The group is 1.3 million members standing together to improve the lives and livelihoods of workers, families, and communities according to the site. The UFCW is focused on making jobs better. The union works with the employees on what they want out of their job such as pay, hours, and job security. This site uses mostly logic and reason because they want to work with the workers and give them a voice within the workplace. Everyone wants to be able to give their opinion on work matters. This allows them to do that. This is helping workers with time off for sick leave, paid vacation, and employer-paid health insurance. If this program wasn’t in place, workers would be treated horrible and would not have much say in anything. The main thing is that this organization and the workers both have to compromise.

The Illegal Aliens site believes those 'undocumented' are actually 'highly documented' with fraudulent documents our government readily accepts. The site also believes there should be no debate over illegal invasion. It gives you information, but how can you tell it’s a fact? I believe this site is based solely on emotion and prejudice. Obviously, the person who created this site highly relies on emotion and what they think is right. They have no facts based on the other person’s point of view. It is all based on theirs because they don’t believe the topic is debatable. They want the public to defeat future amnesties (never having immigration enforcement).

Free Write--Week 11

Today is a beautiful day on USI’s campus. The weather is nice: sunny, a high in the 70s, and slightly breezy. This is the perfect day to go outside. Students are out walking around all day long. Many people walk to class instead of riding the crowded bus. This is wonderful day to exercise outside or go down to the river. When I went to class this morning, I noticed the brightly colored tulips in full bloom. I remember when the USI staff first planted the bulbs, but now they are finally starting to pop out of the ground. The week before, I remember seeing green leaves and stems coming out but that was all. The people who planted them did a great job. The color combinations around campus are amazing. Sitting here looking out my window I can see red and pink ones spread out together in the flower beds near the C-store. Another place on campus has yellow, white, and orange tulips together. Closer to campus I spotted some red and purple flowers combined in the same flower area. These flowers remind everyone that spring is finally here. The trees are getting all their leaves back and everything around us is green. This symbolizes new growth and life. Winter is over, and spring is here to stay. The warmer temperatures make me want to just sit outside and not do any of my homework. Many people feel the same way because there are always students playing basketball at the C-store court. This weather also makes my roommate and I want to go shopping for new spring and summer clothes. Some students are excited to finally be able to do stuff outside. In the past few weeks we have had a lot of storms and rain. We will soon smell freshly cut grass around campus since it is growing at an alarming rate. Campus maintenance is out driving around their small golf-cart-like vehicles searching for things to fix. Since spring is here, so are the bugs. In the past two weeks we have killed about 6 bugs, some of them spiders and others were silverfish creatures. Bugs are disgusting and we wanted them out of our apartment. We called the housing people and they said they would send someone to caulk the windows shut and fix our air conditioner on the wall. Since we moved in, one of the bedroom air systems had a huge crack in it and we could see outside. We figured the bugs were coming inside in that location and near the windows. After they fixed that, they sent a person to spray for the bugs. Since this happened, we have only had to kill one spider. Hopefully, the bug problem will be solved. Thankfully, we only have about 5 more weeks of school to go. This weather makes everyone crazy and ready for summer. I am ready for summer, too. I am looking forward to having a wonderful summer at home where I can enjoy the weather.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Room for Debate--Being Alone Together

Each side in this debate has its pros and cons. Living alone allows people to do what they want and when they want. They don’t have to feel “tied down” and can make their own decisions by themselves. They don’t have to negotiate or compromise with another person. They have to be independent enough and they need to have friends or family to socialize with. This lifestyle could get boring easily if there isn’t someone close that you can talk to. I believe everyone needs to socialize and talk to other people, especially if they are living by themselves. We need to talk and express what we feel to people who are close to us. One good thing about this situation is that you don’t have to rely on anyone else. If you have a job, the money you earn is all yours. You don’t have to share anything. I believe this, however, makes a person less able to share in the future and it may drive them away from other people they meet. They may not be able to functionally socialize with workers or family after living by themselves for so long. The communications cannot be cut off from other people if you live alone.

On the other side of this debate, people need to have other people around every day to get through life. They need someone to talk to and confide in when there is no one else. Your money is shared with your spouse and you have someone else to help make decisions with. Living alone, especially with a kid, could be much easier when you have a spouse there for both of you. You all rely on each other for support. They would also understand that all of you need your space every so often, too. Living with someone else will cause conflict in the relationship at some point. You just have to realize that the relationship is more important than the argument. Living with another person will teach one to share and come together during rough times. The good thing is that there will always be someone there for you, especially when you come home from a bad day at work. Having that support helps us as human beings so we can cope and go on with our lives. We learn to compromise and give a little when we live with other people.

Living in separate homes, but being "together" with someone else is stupid. Yes, you do have your own space and everything, but is that enough? I feel as if the people will not be as close as they could be. They could keep secrets from the other person and they may both live in fear. I don't think I would be able to fully trust the other person.

Journal Exercise pg. 525

Students working for one year between high school and college would be beneficial. They will be able to get the feel for working somewhere and realize what they have to do to keep a job. They should then be motivated enough to go and study at college so they can get a better job and get paid more in the future. While saving up money for college, they can get to know what it’s like to be in the work force. They will then learn more in college that will help them in the future when they want to get another job related to their major. Getting a job in between high school and college is good because you get put in the “real world” right away. You might even be lucky and your employer will let you work on breaks during college. I wish I could have worked for a whole year in between high school and college so I could save more money before going to college. I feel like the summer between high school and college went way too fast because I was working. I would have rather worked a whole year so I could save up even more money to pay for college.

Claim: Students should work for one year between high school and college. It would be helpful and a win-win situation. While saving up money for college, students will gain valuable information and skills that they can develop even better while in college.

Arguments for: Money will be saved to pay for college; skills will be developed in the work force, preparing you for college and what you will learn

Arguments against: Students need to go straight to college after graduating high school; making money isn’t the main thing in life; you will get your degree faster if you don’t work for a whole year

Friday, March 9, 2012

Essay 3 Outline

Teen Outback

Description: Place where K-12 kids can go to hang out that does not include alcohol or drugs. Many games and different activities are available for all ages. This place is used for a lot of things throughout the year including private parties, Zumba classes, and school events/dances.

Thesis: Teen Outback offers a great place for all ages, but many aspects go into this decision including the setting, activities, schedule, and age categories that this building offers.

Setting-This building offers a relaxing and fun atmosphere for kids.
Activities-There are a vast number of activities and games for children to participate in.
Schedule-This place allows people to plan private parties in the facility, school functions such as dances, and group Zumba/Yoga classes for the public. More activities should be added, though.
Ages-Mainly youth are invited to participate in most of the activities such as the Basketball shooting and playing kid's games on the Wii. When schools or after-school programs reserve the building only youth are allowed in. There are chaperones and volunteers that assist the children, though.

Overall Claim-This building was made for the youth of the community and has proved to be outstanding. Some flaws are present, but very few looking at the amount of time it has been open thoughout the years. This is a great place for kids to hang out and socialize with others the same age. The building also is used for private parties such as Bridal showers or Christmas parties. This shows how versatile this place can be.