Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Free Write--Week 11

Today is a beautiful day on USI’s campus. The weather is nice: sunny, a high in the 70s, and slightly breezy. This is the perfect day to go outside. Students are out walking around all day long. Many people walk to class instead of riding the crowded bus. This is wonderful day to exercise outside or go down to the river. When I went to class this morning, I noticed the brightly colored tulips in full bloom. I remember when the USI staff first planted the bulbs, but now they are finally starting to pop out of the ground. The week before, I remember seeing green leaves and stems coming out but that was all. The people who planted them did a great job. The color combinations around campus are amazing. Sitting here looking out my window I can see red and pink ones spread out together in the flower beds near the C-store. Another place on campus has yellow, white, and orange tulips together. Closer to campus I spotted some red and purple flowers combined in the same flower area. These flowers remind everyone that spring is finally here. The trees are getting all their leaves back and everything around us is green. This symbolizes new growth and life. Winter is over, and spring is here to stay. The warmer temperatures make me want to just sit outside and not do any of my homework. Many people feel the same way because there are always students playing basketball at the C-store court. This weather also makes my roommate and I want to go shopping for new spring and summer clothes. Some students are excited to finally be able to do stuff outside. In the past few weeks we have had a lot of storms and rain. We will soon smell freshly cut grass around campus since it is growing at an alarming rate. Campus maintenance is out driving around their small golf-cart-like vehicles searching for things to fix. Since spring is here, so are the bugs. In the past two weeks we have killed about 6 bugs, some of them spiders and others were silverfish creatures. Bugs are disgusting and we wanted them out of our apartment. We called the housing people and they said they would send someone to caulk the windows shut and fix our air conditioner on the wall. Since we moved in, one of the bedroom air systems had a huge crack in it and we could see outside. We figured the bugs were coming inside in that location and near the windows. After they fixed that, they sent a person to spray for the bugs. Since this happened, we have only had to kill one spider. Hopefully, the bug problem will be solved. Thankfully, we only have about 5 more weeks of school to go. This weather makes everyone crazy and ready for summer. I am ready for summer, too. I am looking forward to having a wonderful summer at home where I can enjoy the weather.

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