Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

One belief I agree with most strongly is that practice is the key to a writer's development.  The more a writer composes, the more he or she will improve.  The more essays and papers I wrote senior year of high school, the better my grades became on them.  As I learned the "rules" of writing, I was able to combine what I learned to make the most of my last writing.  While writing this twelve page paper, I applied what I learned in class and from making mistakes on other papers, to the final and most important paper.  Turning papers in to be graded helped me tremendously because I was able to see what I needed to improve or do different.  The one belief I am convinced is not true is that people are born writers.  Either you can do it or you cannot is not an option.  This statement is false because anyone can write; Some just need more practice and encouragement than others.  Papers that are graded by a teacher and returned to the student show what needs to be worked on.  This helps students correct their mistakes and reminds them what not to do on the next writing.  As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.  Students need to keep writing not only to get their point across, but to also learn and discover new things in the writing world.

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