Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Do Too Many Kids Go To College?

My original thoughts about this topic were undecided.  I could see positive and negative aspects in each side of the argument.  After listening to the whole argument and everyone’s opinions, my view is now against the argument.  I believe there are not too many people that go to college.  I believe there are a lot of people that attend college, but most employers want higher educated employees.  Since most employers do look at education history, I believe everyone should go to college.  Some students will find out that it is not for them; therefore, they can drop out and live a different life without further education.  The ones who want to succeed and make more out of their lives than the ones who didn’t attend college now have a better chance to get into the career programs they want to be accepted into.  Even though most college students come out of school with a high amount of money to pay back, they can now start looking for jobs in their field of study.  After finding a job, it will be easy to pay off the debt and most, if not all, will make way more money in their life than the people who did not further their education.  One valid point that one of the speakers made was that people who do not attend college have a greater chance of being employed because they did not further their education or get a degree in a certain field of study.  He also said that society benefits from the more educated students.  I believe this because most college students who were motivated enough to get a degree and find a job are not the people doing drugs and stupid things in their future.  They were taught well and will make something of their lives.  As an argument/proposal, the thing that was effective was stating facts and what can happen if you obtain a degree or if you just drop out.  I also believed bringing a speaker not from this country into the discussion was very interesting.  He showed his opinions on the matter and what he thought of our education.  One thing I felt that was ineffective included the part where the speakers were arguing and you couldn’t tell who was who when they were speaking.  This confused me and I didn’t know who was on which side of the debate.  Overall, I disagree with the argument and I believe too many kids do not attend college.  I think more need to because you never know where it will lead you to.  This was a great topic to debate about because everyone has their own opinion and some people really get into the argument.

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