Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Free Write #1 Week 12

Today I am meeting with my advisor about scheduling my classes for next semester. I cannot decide if I want to change my major or not. If I do change my major, the thing is I don’t know what I would change it to. Right now I am majoring in Radiology. I want to stay in the medical field, but I don’t know what would be good for me to major in if I change it from Radiology. One of the reasons I am thinking about changing it is because the anatomy and physiology classes I am taking are very difficult. I already have to re-take the first semester of it because I got a low grade. I am in the second semester right now, but I do not have that high of a grade and I am afraid I will have to re-take this again too. This means I will be behind in where I wanted to be with my classes and credits. If I do decide to stick with this major, it will be hard. I will have to work extremely hard if I re-take those classes so that I can pass them and move on. I have to have a C or higher in them and they are difficult. Every week you have lecture and lab. Usually you learn almost the same thing in lab and lecture, but lab goes more in depth with the labels and identifying things. Lecture is more of just information. I am doing okay in lecture, but lab is killing me. I just wish I could be done with this class and have a high enough grade to move on. I want to learn the stuff and be able to know it in the future very well, but there is a lot of information to take in all at once. To get a good grade I need to study more and prepare myself better. It would also be easier if I had a study partner or a friend in the same class. One of my friends from work is coming here next year and majoring in radiology, too. Hopefully we can get in the same class and help each other pass it if I decide to stick with this major. Hopefully my advisor can help me and give me some tips, too. I know I should go to a tutor or something for this biology class but I hate knowing I need help from someone else. I don’t like relying on other people too much, especially if it is a one-on-one situation. This is why I don’t know what to do right now. Hopefully, I will know soon. I hate not knowing what is going to happen with this situation.

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