Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Free Write #2 Week 12

This picture is of my best friend Kaci and me after our high school graduation ceremony. We met and started hanging out together on weekends towards the end of sophomore year in high school. We were on the softball team together so we spent a lot of time together and slowly got to know one another. We have always been there for each other through the past 2 or so years. During the summer after sophomore year, she had a job but I didn’t. This meant we hung out whenever she didn’t have to work on the weekends. When she wanted to hang out with her boyfriend, though, we either all hung out or it was those two by themselves. I hated not doing anything on weekends because it was so boring. We eventually started moving apart once senior year rolled around. In between work and her boyfriends she didn’t have much time to hang out with her best friend anymore. We didn’t have many classes together senior year, but we were still best friends. Once graduation came, we knew seeing each other every day was not going to happen anymore. Near graduation, she started dating my brother’s best friend for the second time. She knew I didn’t like this especially since they met each other at my house. It made it awkward and we hardly hung out on weekends because we had so much going on then. Graduation came and went. We both went to different colleges about two hours away from each other. We still kept in touch, but I felt it just wasn’t the same anymore. We still hung out some weekends when we were home and weren’t busy. She began dating this guy I didn’t exactly think was good for her so we began talking a little less because she was busy with him. Since then we have been closer. One day she told me some information that would change our lives forever. Now we have been hanging out almost every weekend and texting almost every day again. I feel like so many things have changed with each of us, but yet everything is the same. We still know each other’s secrets and that has brought us closer together since college has started. I can finally call her my best friend again. I just wish she would choose better guys. She deserves so much more and her parents even agree. No one wants to see her keep getting hurt by this guy, but apparently there’s nothing we can do. She’s going to date him again and there is nothing I can do about it. The last time they broke up I was there and witnessed it. I hate how much he lies right to her face and wish she could see that he’s not worth it. I’m just glad we are best friends again and hope that no guy comes between our friendship ever again.

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