Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Remembering (3)

               Throwing our dark green caps in the air and briskly walking out the gym doors to our school song was bittersweet.  My graduating class was one of the smartest and focused groups to go through our school.  The teachers loved us as a whole and there were very few problems throughout the four years we were there.  Knowing this day was going to eventually come, I took in the sounds and sights of that day.

                On May 28, 2011 I graduated from Forest Park High School in Ferdinand, Indiana.  My graduating class had 111 students and the gym was packed with our families and friends waiting to see us accomplish one of our goals.  The day before, my whole class had pictures and practiced for the actual ceremony.  We had pizza, chips, and drinks for lunch instead of the cafeteria food.  Since it had snowed earlier in the year, we had to come to school on a Saturday and have a “Reality Store” day where people came in to talk to us about our futures.  We had to choose an occupation, figure out the salary, and plan accordingly.  They brought in people who told us about expenses and insurance policies.  We had a group session where we listened to a lady from Jasper Engines and Transmissions who talked to us about resumes and what to (and what not to) put on applications in the future.  She gave us ideas of how to tell the employer why you want the job and what is important to wear.  This day opened many of our eyes and showed us what life would be like in the future.

                Graduation day came and went quickly.  Putting all that effort into my four years of high school made everything worth it.  I graduated with the Indiana Academic Honors diploma and received an honor medallion. I learned a lot throughout my years at Forest Park and the teachers were a big part of that.  They helped me realize my strengths and weaknesses and helped shape who I am today.  They prepared me for college well and guided me along.  Graduation day will forever be in my memory as one of the best days ever.  I, along with the rest of my class, accomplished one of our main goals:  graduating from high school.  Most of us went off to college and are going to have many more goals to accomplish as we get older.  One thing that will be bittersweet, just like high school graduation, is college graduation.  We will then finally be able to get where we were going and to find a job in our career field.

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