Monday, January 23, 2012

Hot 96 (6)

This is a picture of my mom, Atom, Shawnda, and me.  It was taken at the Subway in Jasper, IN.  I heard on the radio that Atom and Shawnda were coming near where we lived for their “Nothing Ever Happens in My City” tour.  Since we usually listen to the Hot 96 radio station, based in Evansville, IN, we were informed that they would be there on Sunday, June 19, 2011.  I then went on their website to see what time they would be there.  I was planning on going by myself, but later talked my mom into coming with me.  Since she listens to Hot 96 also, we were excited to be meeting the people on the radio that we here every day.  We arrived about 45 minutes early and we were the first ones there.  The radio hosts didn’t show up until a little after 1:00.  A guy in the Hot 96 SUV showed up about 30 minutes before Atom and Shawnda and he got everything ready for when they arrived.  He started setting up the free stuff inside the Subway while playing loud Hot 96 music in his SUV.  We saw that there was a limited number of Hot 96 T-shirts and tank tops.  A mini-van pulled up next to us and we knew they were here for the same reason.  We wanted to make sure we were first in line so we got out and formed a line in front of the Subway door.  They followed and stood behind us until they arrived.  A whole line of people had formed before Atom and Shawnda even got there.  The mini-van lady’s kids were hyper and went inside to check out what the guy was setting up inside.  When Atom and Shawnda finally arrived in a hot 96 truck, the kids behind us started to get excited.  The two radio hosts walked up to us and asked how we were doing and talked about how they had to get ready in the dark because their power had went out from the storm.  When Atom and Shawnda went inside, the guy setting the stuff up came out and let us inside in groups of about 10 at a time.  The kids that were in there had stayed inside the Subway; therefore, they were the first ones to go through the line and to receive a free T-shirt.  This made us a little angry that their mom didn’t stop them and make them wait in line.  We were told to come in next and were relieved that there were still T-shirts left because there weren’t many.  We told them what size we wanted and they gave us free Hot 96 stickers.  They told us to register for the contest they had going.  My mom and I both registered for a chance to win 4 Holiday World tickets.  After receiving our free shirts, we took this picture with the two radio hosts.  We introduced ourselves and had a short conversation before leaving.  My mom and I were excited that we were the first ones in line and had gotten a free Hot 96 shirt!

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