Monday, January 23, 2012

Senior Year Prom (5)

This is a picture of my friend and I in our school parking lot after prom had ended.  We were waiting to go inside the school for post-prom.  The theme for this year’s after party was western.  When we were finally allowed to go in, teacher and parents asked for our names and handed us a bag full of goodies.  They put a bracelet around our wrists to signify we were allowed to be there.  We started walking towards the cafeteria where we knew there would be free food like last year.  We got sidetracked by all of the randomly placed pictures of the students on the walls.  All of them had a western border and it said the student’s name beside the picture.  We decided to find each of ours and it took about 10 minutes before we finally found one of them.  After looking at it, we decided to go eat something.  There were tons of different foods to choose from such as pizza, nachos, ice cream (with decorate-your-own toppings), cheeseburgers, and Little Debbie snacks.  After we were done eating, we decided to go explore the rest of the school.  We saw where each game or activity was set up and we began to play them.  The main game we played most of the night was where you slide a quarter and tried to get it closest to the wall.  If you got it closest to the wall without it touching, you won all the quarters on the ground.  We played it at least 20 times that night!  Another game we enjoyed playing was where there were tables set up in a square and there were 3 sets of the numbers 1-9 spread out on three tables.  You had to put your hand on one of the numbers and then the parent working spun a wheel on the wall and it landed on the number.  If you had your hand on that number, then you got a ticket to fill out.  At the end of post-prom all of the tickets were thrown together and tickets were chosen at random to win prizes.  Once it was 3 o’clock in the morning, they made an announcement for everyone to meet in the auditorium so that prizes could be given away.  As soon as people came into the auditorium, kids were obsessing over the prizes they saw.  Flat screen TVs, recliners, and Apple iPods would be given away.  While we were waiting for them to start giving stuff away, I decided to count the quarter I had won throughout the night.  I ended up with about 10 or 12 dollars in quarters!  Everyone kept asking me how I had won that many, but my only reason was because I kept playing it over and over again.  Once they started giving out prizes people were freaking out over what they were winning.  Besides the quarters, my name was drawn randomly from the senior class and I won the newest, black Apple iPod touch!  My friends were freaking out because this was the second year in a row I had won an iPod touch!  This was one of the best nights of my life and I went home to later show my family what I had won.  Since I now had two of them, I decided to give my brother the one from last year.  Hopefully my brother is as lucky this year as post-prom as I was my junior and senior year!

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