Thursday, January 12, 2012

Writing and Education (2)

               As a college student I feel writing is a big part of my life.  With having to write many papers in almost every one of my classes, I know it takes up a large amount of time.  It is how I communicate with my peers, professors, and myself.  This is why I need to focus more on how I say what is on my mind so other people can understand.  In my first college English class, I learned how to write badly and to just let the words flow onto the page.  I realized I had a problem with this because I usually thought too much about the paper and what I wanted to say; therefore, I couldn’t get started.  If I let myself write whatever comes to my mind, I end up changing less when I revise the writing.  Writing badly showed me that I can get everything onto the page and then worry about editing it later.  I also learned that I need to save more time for revising my papers after typing the first draft and before turning it in.  I feel that writing is always going to be a big part of my life.  Everyone communicates through writing and speaking.  Being able to hear some of other people’s personal writings shows me who they are as an individual and how they have gotten to where they are now.  Every paper that I write in my classes helps me realize new things and what I need to change for my next writing.  I still don’t understand why we write so much, though.  I know everyone says practice makes perfect, but will there ever be a perfect paper?

                So far, my experience with education has been pretty good.  I graduated high school with the academic honors diploma and I am in my first year of college.  My teacher and professors so far have been very helpful in showing me how to change things and make certain things better.  I have learned a lot especially in my English classes over the years.  From “be” verbs and semicolons to writing badly and peer editing, I have learned many new rules.  I thought some of my English teachers in high school were strict and asked too much, but I now understand why they did what they did.  They always told us things to be prepared for college and I can actually say most of what I learned has helped me.  Throughout my years of education so far, I feel like I have learned very important things to help me in the future.  With each paper I compose, I learn more about my writing style and ways I can better the next paper I write.  I also learn more about myself through my writings.

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